Spotify Lite Launches in SA

09 Jul 2019, 09:27
Spotify Lite Launches in SA

Spotfiy Lite has just been released to an additional 36 countries, South Africa included! For those who don’t know, Spotify Lite is an Android version of the app that is only 10mb small, and streams well on slow or patchy internet.

Available to paying and non-paying customers,  this is perfect for South Africa as it's able to be installed on most Androids due to the small size of the app. But most importantly, it streams the same as the normal app, while on slow or unreliable internet. This is due to it not using close to as much of your precious data as the full app when streaming music. There is also a feature to set a data limit and get a notification when reaching that limit. The Lite version can be used alone or alongside the main app, meaning you could only use it when your bundle is running out, for example.  


But you don’t lose much with the Lite version according to Spotify. They claim that 90% of the features of the main app are available in Lite, with things like video and cover artists being removed as they are not critical to the core experience. Spotify goes on to say that they have no plans on porting the Lite version to iOS, which seems logical as most people getting the benefits out of Spotify Lite would be Android users. 

Download Spotify Lite now via the Google Play Store.